Flowchart Memes

Posts tagged with Flowchart

The Brutally Honest STEM Major Flowchart

The Brutally Honest STEM Major Flowchart
This flowchart is what happens when career counselors have a mental breakdown. Engineering? Only if you're "good with things." Chemistry? Congratulations on your future as a "fussy pedant." And let's not forget Computer Science, perfect for those who prefer "slow, indirect evil" over the more efficient varieties. The beautiful part is how it nails the existential crisis of every STEM student. "Why do you want to major in a STEM field?" Options include "curiosity" (adorable), "to save the planet" (delusional), or my personal favorite, the dawning realization that STEM was supposed to involve actual plants for Biology majors. After 30 years of teaching, I can confirm this is approximately 87% accurate. The missing 13% is the path where you choose your major based on which department has the least uncomfortable chairs in the lecture hall.

Differentiation vs. Integration: A Tale Of Two Mathematical Realities

Differentiation vs. Integration: A Tale Of Two Mathematical Realities
The calculus betrayal is real! Left side shows differentiation as this beautiful, organized flowchart where you just apply some rules and—boom—you're done. Meanwhile, integration is this chaotic nightmare maze that eventually leads to "BURN THE EVIDENCE" and desperate "PHONE CALLS TO MATHEMATICIANS." Every math student knows this pain. Differentiation: "Here's your answer, have a nice day!" Integration: "What's a Bessel function? Should I install Mathematica? Is this partial fractions or some Riemann voodoo?" No wonder we all tried working backwards from the multiple choice answers on exams! Pro tip: if your integration strategy includes "burn the evidence," you're doing authentic mathematics.