The Sinister Truth Behind The Right-Hand Rule

The Sinister Truth Behind The Right-Hand Rule
physics-memes, handedness-memes, right-hand-rule-memes, electromagnetism-memes, conspiracy-memes |

The physics conspiracy that keeps me up at night! The "right-hand rule" in physics isn't just some random convention—it's suspiciously aligned with most humans being right-handed! 🤔 This rule helps us figure out the direction of vectors in electromagnetism and angular momentum. Just curl your right hand's fingers in the direction of rotation, and your thumb points to the vector direction. BUT WHY THE RIGHT HAND? Is the universe playing favorites with righties? As a lefty physicist, I've been erasing chalk smudges from my hand while the cosmos itself discriminates against me. The symmetry breaking is TOO PERFECT to be coincidental!

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