Vectors Memes

Posts tagged with Vectors

The Three Types Of CFD Engineers

The Three Types Of CFD Engineers
Engineers who use Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software fall into three distinct camps on this bell curve of sanity: On the far left (0.1%), we have the "Pretty color :)" crowd who just enjoy making rainbow-colored fluid simulations without understanding the math. In the middle (34% on each side), we find normal engineers using CFD as intended - you know, to solve actual problems. And on the far right (0.1%), there's the "Pretty vectors" gang who've descended into obsession with the mathematical beauty of vector fields. But the true galaxy-brain move? Spending your entire Master's degree simulating a cow as an ideal gas with k-epsilon turbulence. Because nothing says "I've mastered fluid dynamics" like turning farm animals into mathematical abstractions!

Linear Algebra: Humanity's Greatest Achievement

Linear Algebra: Humanity's Greatest Achievement
Someone's clearly been transforming matrices before breakfast! The username "angryfermion" with a Spider-Man avatar declaring undying love for linear algebra is peak physicist energy. Linear algebra—that beautiful system that lets us manipulate vectors, solve simultaneous equations, and basically powers everything from quantum mechanics to machine learning algorithms—getting the recognition it deserves! Meanwhile, minor human achievements like, you know, landing on the moon or developing vaccines are just sitting in the corner feeling inadequate. Matrix multiplication trumps moon landing, apparently. The determinant of this opinion is definitely non-zero!

Right Hand Rule My Beloved

Right Hand Rule My Beloved
Physics students making finger guns during the E&M exam aren't trying to shoot their way to a better grade—they're using the right-hand rule to figure out magnetic field directions. Point your thumb in the current direction, fingers in the magnetic field direction, and your palm shows you where the force acts. Meanwhile, the non-physics teacher supervising just thinks the classroom has devolved into some weird gang sign competition. Classic electromagnetic confusion in its natural habitat.

The Sinister Truth Behind The Right-Hand Rule

The Sinister Truth Behind The Right-Hand Rule
The physics conspiracy that keeps me up at night! The "right-hand rule" in physics isn't just some random convention—it's suspiciously aligned with most humans being right-handed! 🤔 This rule helps us figure out the direction of vectors in electromagnetism and angular momentum. Just curl your right hand's fingers in the direction of rotation, and your thumb points to the vector direction. BUT WHY THE RIGHT HAND? Is the universe playing favorites with righties? As a lefty physicist, I've been erasing chalk smudges from my hand while the cosmos itself discriminates against me. The symmetry breaking is TOO PERFECT to be coincidental!

Tension: Not What You Think

Tension: Not What You Think
Emotional tension? Psychological tension? NOPE! Physics wins again! While some think tension is all about dramatic facial expressions, us science nerds know the truth - it's actually just forces pulling on objects! That bottom diagram showing force vectors and mechanical tension is what gets physicists hot and bothered. Next time someone tells you they're feeling tense, whip out your free-body diagram and show them what REAL tension looks like. *adjusts safety goggles maniacally*

When Your Equation Breaks The Laws Of Physics

When Your Equation Breaks The Laws Of Physics
Ah, the classic vector-scalar mismatch. That's like trying to add apples and directional apples. Physics teachers get physically pained when you equate a quantity that has both magnitude and direction with one that's just... magnitude. It's basically a mathematical crime scene. The equation is screaming "I don't consent to this relationship!" No wonder you're getting called in for a chat. Next time, just remember: vectors and scalars mixing in an equation is the physics equivalent of wearing socks with sandals.