Marketing Memes

Posts tagged with Marketing

The Heat Pump That Defies The Laws Of Physics

The Heat Pump That Defies The Laws Of Physics
Whoever designed this heat pump clearly failed thermodynamics class! 800% efficiency? That's like saying you put in one pizza and somehow got eight pizzas out. The laws of thermodynamics are sobbing in the corner right now. For those scratching their heads - heat pumps don't create energy (that would break physics), they just move heat from one place to another. So they can deliver more heat energy than the electrical energy they consume. The "efficiency" here is actually the coefficient of performance (COP), which can indeed exceed 100% without breaking any universal laws. And that 6.02 × 10²³% efficiency joke? That's Avogadro's number - we'd need a mole of heat pumps to reach that level. Good luck fitting those in your basement!

Nothing Says "Great For Your Skin" Better Than 1,3-Dimethylcyclohexane

Nothing Says "Great For Your Skin" Better Than 1,3-Dimethylcyclohexane
The beauty industry's finest marketing trick: slapping a chemical structure on the bottle and calling it "dermatologically tested." That hexagon with a checkmark isn't just any hexagon—it's cyclohexane, a petroleum-derived solvent that's about as "sensitive" to your skin as sandpaper is to a balloon. The irony of putting "Dermo Sensitive" next to a chemical that could strip paint off your car is just *chef's kiss*. Next time someone asks about your skincare routine, just say "Oh, I bathe in industrial solvents now. It's very European."