My Proposal For Factorial-Inverse Notation

My Proposal For Factorial-Inverse Notation
math-memes, factorial-memes, mathematical-notation-memes, math-humor-memes, number-theory-memes |

Ah, the eternal quest to make mathematical notation less horrifying! In the top panel, we have the standard factorial notation where 5! = 120. But our brave mathematician rejects this conventional approach with disgust.

Instead, they propose the revolutionary "120? = 5" format in the bottom panel—essentially asking "what number, when factorialized, gives us 120?" It's the mathematical equivalent of answering a question with another question, which is precisely how I respond to undergraduate emails asking for extra credit.

Just imagine the chaos in textbooks: "Solve for x: 3628800? = x". Pure mathematical anarchy. I'm sure the International Mathematical Union would have an absolute meltdown.

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