Press O To Pay Respects

Press O To Pay Respects
chemistry-memes, electronegativity-memes, fluorine-memes, oxygen-memes, electron-memes |

The electron's ultimate betrayal! In the top panel, our little electron friend is reaching eagerly for oxygen, forming a nice covalent bond. But then fluorine shows up with its superior electronegativity and the electron can't resist - it's like watching your date abandon you for someone with a better credit score.

That sweating electron knows exactly what it's doing - fluorine's electronegativity of 4.0 beats oxygen's measly 3.5 on the Pauling scale. It's basically the chemical equivalent of your friend ditching you for the cooler kid at the party. The title "Press O To Pay Respects" brilliantly references gaming culture while mourning oxygen's loss in this electron custody battle.

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