Fluorine Memes

Posts tagged with Fluorine

Cursed Redox

Cursed Redox
Chemistry professors hate this one weird trick. The equation shows fluoride ion (F+) plus an electron (e-) yielding iron (Fe). It's a completely invalid chemical reaction that makes actual chemists twitch uncontrollably. In real redox chemistry, fluorine typically gains electrons to become F-, not the other way around. This is like claiming 2+2=fish. Pure chemical blasphemy that would make Mendeleev roll in his periodic grave.

The Elements Of Organic Chemistry, Summarized

The Elements Of Organic Chemistry, Summarized
The most accurate representation of organic chemistry I've ever seen. Carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen are having a pool party up top (the cool kids of organic chem), while fluorine and sulfur at least got invited but are clearly struggling to fit in. Meanwhile, the rest of the periodic table is just... dead and forgotten at the bottom of the ocean. Anyone who's survived an organic chemistry class knows this hierarchy all too well. You spend 95% of your time drawing carbon chains with the occasional oxygen, nitrogen, or hydrogen thrown in, then suddenly your professor introduces a fluorine or sulfur and everyone panics. The rest of the elements? They might as well be mythical creatures for all the attention they get.

The Electron Thief

The Electron Thief
Chemistry jokes are like fluorine atoms—extremely reactive and not for everyone. This one perfectly captures fluorine's notorious electron-stealing behavior. As the most electronegative element on the periodic table, fluorine will ruthlessly snatch electrons from practically any atom it encounters, forming bonds that would make other elements blush. It's basically the playground bully of the periodic table, grabbing what it wants with zero remorse. Next time your compound falls apart, check if fluorine was hanging around the neighborhood.

The Electron Heist Gang

The Electron Heist Gang
Behold! The fluorine gang's electron heist! These menacing F atoms are the ultimate electron thieves of the periodic table, sporting the highest electronegativity of all elements. They'll snatch electrons faster than you can say "chemical bond"! With seven valence electrons, they're just one short of a full octet, making them desperate little bandits willing to rip electrons from practically ANY atom unfortunate enough to cross their path. Chemistry's most notorious gang doesn't ask for electrons—they TAKE them! 💥⚗️

Midnight Chemistry: Not Crackhead Behavior, Just PFAS Epiphany

Midnight Chemistry: Not Crackhead Behavior, Just PFAS Epiphany
That's not crackhead behavior—that's a chemist having a midnight epiphany about perfluoroalcohols! Someone stumbled upon the molecular structure of PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances), those notoriously persistent "forever chemicals." The desperate whiteboard scribbling shows the carbon-fluorine bonds that make these compounds so stable they practically never break down in nature. The security guard probably thought they discovered a meth recipe, but nope—just a scientist having a fluorine-induced breakthrough at 2AM. Chemistry doesn't care about your sleep schedule!

Press O To Pay Respects

Press O To Pay Respects
The electron's ultimate betrayal! In the top panel, our little electron friend is reaching eagerly for oxygen, forming a nice covalent bond. But then fluorine shows up with its superior electronegativity and the electron can't resist - it's like watching your date abandon you for someone with a better credit score. That sweating electron knows exactly what it's doing - fluorine's electronegativity of 4.0 beats oxygen's measly 3.5 on the Pauling scale. It's basically the chemical equivalent of your friend ditching you for the cooler kid at the party. The title "Press O To Pay Respects" brilliantly references gaming culture while mourning oxygen's loss in this electron custody battle.