Hold My Beaker: The LiAlH4 Show

Hold My Beaker: The LiAlH4 Show
chemistry-memes, organic-chemistry-memes, lialh4-memes, reduction-reaction-memes, carbonyl-memes | ScienceHumor.io

The chemistry student's version of "hold my beaker!" 🧪 LiAlH4 (lithium aluminum hydride) is that wild party animal of reducing agents that gets SUPER excited when it meets a carbonyl group. It's like watching a toddler on sugar rush - it donates those hydride ions with such enthusiasm that chemists can't help but do a little mad scientist giggle. And just like SpongeBob here, it's ready to perform this nucleophilic attack over and over because REDUCING ALL THE THINGS is its life mission! The reaction is so predictably dramatic that organic chemistry students either have nightmares about it or draw little hearts around it in their notes. No in-between!

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