The Imperial System: Making Perfect Nonsense Since 1776

The Imperial System: Making Perfect Nonsense Since 1776
imperial-system-memes, metric-system-memes, measurement-memes, fahrenheit-memes, celsius-memes |

The imperial system finally makes perfect sense! On the left, we have America's "logical" measurements where everything is precisely 100 - because nothing says scientific consistency like basing temperature on a random guy named Fahrenheit and measuring distance in feet (because human appendages are clearly universal measuring tools). Meanwhile, the rest of the world uses those crazy, chaotic numbers like 304.8 mm in a foot - how dare they use a decimal-based system with conversion factors that don't require a Ph.D. to understand! Next time someone asks why Americans cling to their imperial system, just show them this chart. It clearly proves that writing dates as month/day/year is completely normal and not at all like writing your address as "apartment/street/city." The evidence is overwhelming!

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