Units Memes

Posts tagged with Units

All You Need Is Love... And The Proper Units

All You Need Is Love... And The Proper Units
The eternal battle between memorization and actual understanding. While your classmates are busy regurgitating facts for multiple choice glory, you're the weirdo insisting that 9.8 m/s² needs proper units or the answer is physically meaningless. Sure, they get the A with minimal effort, but you're the one who'll actually remember how gravity works in 10 years. Dimensional analysis might not win popularity contests, but it'll save your behind when your boss asks why the bridge collapsed. The universe doesn't grade on a curve—it demands dimensional consistency!

Marching To The Beat Of Destructive Interference

Marching To The Beat Of Destructive Interference
The sign on Albert Bridge warns troops to break step when marching across—a classic example of resonant frequency in action. When soldiers march in unison, they can create oscillations that match the bridge's natural frequency, potentially causing catastrophic structural failure. Meanwhile, the military commander's orders for "random walk" are a brilliant physics joke. In mathematics, a random walk describes a path of random steps—exactly what you need to prevent rhythmic resonance. The absurd title with "picoseconds per square root mile" is just chef's kiss nonsense units that would make any physicist twitch uncontrollably.

Check Your Dimensions People!

Check Your Dimensions People!
Physics professors everywhere are having palpitations right now. The clown labeled "the side of a triangle which I named 'c'" is trying to hide behind soldiers labeled "the speed of light." This is a glorious dimensional disaster! In physics, 'c' represents the speed of light (299,792,458 meters per second), while in geometry, 'c' often labels a triangle side. Using the same symbol for completely different quantities with incompatible dimensions is the mathematical equivalent of putting pineapple on pizza – technically possible but deeply unsettling to purists. This is why physicists wake up screaming at 2 AM thinking about undergrads turning in homework where distance equals velocity.