The Elephant's Foot: Nuclear Power's Worst Tourist Attraction

The Elephant's Foot: Nuclear Power's Worst Tourist Attraction
chernobyl-memes, radiation-memes, nuclear-memes, corium-memes, disaster-memes |

The infamous "Elephant's Foot" at Chernobyl isn't your average tourist attraction. This horrifying mass of corium (a radioactive lava-like material) formed when nuclear fuel melted through the reactor floor during the 1986 disaster. When first discovered, standing near it for just 5 minutes would deliver a fatal dose of radiation. The meme perfectly captures how other radioactive elements have "practical" applications, while corium is just... gestures vaguely... a deadly blob that will kill you before you can even take a decent selfie with it. Nuclear science: where some elements power cities and others create nightmare fuel that glows for centuries!

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