It Does Scare Me

It Does Scare Me
calculus-memes, math-anxiety-memes, academic-hierarchy-memes, stem-humor-memes, physics-vs-biology-memes |

The scientific food chain caught in the wild! Physicists smugly smirking while biologists scream in terror at the sight of calculus lurking above. The meme captures that delicious academic hierarchy where differential equations are just Tuesday morning coffee for physicists, but absolute nightmare fuel for many biologists.

Fun fact: While physicists deal with elegant equations describing idealized systems, biologists wrestle with messy, complex living systems where variables refuse to behave. No wonder they're traumatized when partial derivatives start appearing in population dynamics models! The physicists' smug expression is basically saying "Oh, you think THAT'S hard? I had to solve that in my sleep during undergrad."

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