Engineering Is Really About Talking Smack

Engineering Is Really About Talking Smack
engineering-memes, academia-memes, superiority-complex-memes, stem-memes, professors-memes |

The disciplinary superiority complex strikes again! This meme perfectly captures that moment when an engineering professor dismisses every other field of study, and the entire class of future engineers collectively raises their glasses in smug agreement. It's the academic equivalent of a tribal war dance – "our differential equations are better than your Shakespeare sonnets!" The beautiful irony? These same students will eventually work on interdisciplinary teams where they'll desperately need those "useless" non-engineering majors to translate their technical jargon into human language. Nothing bonds engineering students faster than the shared delusion that calculating stress tensors somehow makes them the intellectual elite of campus. The tribal mentality runs so deep you'd think they were calculating the load-bearing capacity of their superiority complex!

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