The periodic table - nature's ultimate dating app where your relationship status is predetermined by electron configuration. Group 1 elements (like desperate sodium) are begging for partners, while Group 2 just profess undying love to anyone willing to take their extra electron. The middle groups (13-15) enjoy casual bonds - not too clingy, not too distant. Meanwhile, Group 16-17 elements are the commitment-phobes reluctantly accepting relationships. And then there's Group 18, the noble gases - chemistry's equivalent of that smug friend who's "totally fine being alone" and "doesn't need anyone." Twenty years teaching this stuff and students still don't get that elements are just like people - some desperate to share, others perfectly content in their electron solitude.
The Periodic Dating Scene

chemistry-memes, periodic-table-memes, elements-memes, noble-gases-memes, electron-memes |