Organic Synthesis Is A Pathway To Many Yields Some Consider To Be Unnatural

Organic Synthesis Is A Pathway To Many Yields Some Consider To Be Unnatural
chemistry-memes, organic-chemistry-memes, lab-life-memes, synthesis-memes, yield-memes |

The eternal tragedy of organic chemistry in four panels! The optimistic chemist declares a "great yield" while conveniently forgetting the most soul-crushing step of any synthesis - drying the product.

Every organic chemist knows that magical 95% yield quickly plummets to 12% after that final rotovap session. The product that filled your round-bottom flask somehow becomes microscopic after drying - it's basically quantum mechanics at this point.

This is why chemists develop trust issues. "Great yield" is just code for "I haven't faced reality yet." The Star Wars prequel format perfectly captures that moment when your research dreams crash into the harsh desert of actual results.

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