Ra Ra Ras-Putin: When Biology Meets Russian History

Ra Ra Ras-Putin: When Biology Meets Russian History
biology-memes, protein-memes, molecular-biology-memes, rasputin-memes, history-memes | ScienceHumor.io

The peak of molecular biology puns right here! "Ras protein" + "Lover of the Russian Queen" = Rasputin, the infamous historical figure who was indeed quite good at signaling pathways to the Romanov family. This is basically the scientific equivalent of dad jokes that only make cell biologists snort coffee through their noses. For the uninitiated, Ras proteins are crucial signaling molecules that regulate cell growth—much like how Rasputin had mysterious influence over the Russian royal family. And yes, now you'll never hear the Boney M song without thinking about GTP-binding proteins.

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