I Just Want A Job In Science

I Just Want A Job In Science
academia-memes, science-career-memes, internship-memes, job-hunting-memes, research-memes | ScienceHumor.io

The eternal struggle of scientific career progression! Former interns desperately trying to claw their way back into research institutions is basically a modern scientific ritual. You spend months pipetting liquids, calibrating instruments, and writing meticulous lab notes, only to be released back into the wild with a certificate and a dream. Then comes the desperate fence-clinging phase where you're practically screaming your qualifications at the security gate. The scientific career ladder isn't a ladder at all—it's more like trying to scale a fence while the academic gatekeepers pretend not to hear your increasingly frantic pleas for employment. The transition from "Let me in" to "LET ME INNNNNN!!!" perfectly captures that moment when your student loan statement arrives!

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