The Superiority Complex: Physics Meets Engineering

The Superiority Complex: Physics Meets Engineering
physics-memes, engineering-memes, academic-rivalry-memes, first-order-approximation-memes, theoretical-physics-memes |

Ah, the classic physics-to-engineering pipeline. Physicists enter engineering classrooms with that insufferable smirk that says, "You're approximating a cow as a sphere while I've derived the Standard Model."

Yet there they are, secretly delighted to finally work on problems where you're allowed to ignore quantum effects and just use F=ma. The first-order approximation they mock is the same simplification they'll gratefully embrace when their advisor demands actual results by next Tuesday.

Forty years in academia taught me one thing: theoretical superiority is directly proportional to distance from practical application. But we all cash the same paychecks in the end.

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