I Understand The Meme But I Wish I Understood The Math

I Understand The Meme But I Wish I Understood The Math
physics-memes, newton-memes, coulomb-memes, formulas-memes, inverse-square-law-memes | ScienceHumor.io

Behold, the mathematical equivalent of copying your lab partner's homework but changing it just enough so the professor doesn't notice. Newton's gravitational force formula (F = G m₁m₂/d²) and Coulomb's electrostatic force law (F = k q₁q₂/r²) are basically identical twins with different variables. Both describe forces that follow the inverse square law—just swap masses for charges and you're done. Physics professors everywhere pretend these are completely different concepts while secretly knowing they're just recycling the same math with different letters. The ultimate scientific ctrl+c, ctrl+v situation.

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