Silicon Memes

Posts tagged with Silicon

The Periodic Table Of Errors

The Periodic Table Of Errors
This periodic table is having an existential crisis! Notice how the bottom right shows elements 113-118 with ridiculous made-up symbols like "Uub," "Uut," "Uuq" - which haven't been used since like 2016. Meanwhile, carbon is supposedly element 14 instead of 6? Silicon is also labeled as 14? The creator of this chart clearly flunked Chemistry 101 and decided to improvise their way through lab day. It's the scientific equivalent of answering "Purple" on a math test. Next they'll tell us water is made of hopes and dreams instead of H 2 O.

Don't Mess With The Timeline!

Don't Mess With The Timeline!
Just your typical butterfly effect scenario where a time traveler adjusts a chair and suddenly we've got silicon-based lifeforms instead of carbon-based ones. This is why my lab has a strict "don't touch anything" policy for our time machine interns. The smallest perturbation in initial conditions leads to completely different evolutionary outcomes—classic chaos theory. Next thing you know, you move a pencil and return to find humans with exoskeletons debating whether organic chemistry should be renamed "carbon-based curiosities."

Silicon Valley Hierarchy

Silicon Valley Hierarchy
Semiconductor humor at its finest. Germanium was the original semiconductor material used in early transistors, doing the job adequately. Then silicon came along with better electrical properties, higher temperature tolerance, and cheaper manufacturing costs—essentially doing "exactly what I do, but better." Just like how my lab partner claims to have "improved" my experimental design after changing one variable and getting marginally better results. The semiconductor hierarchy is brutal.