Dark matter Memes

Posts tagged with Dark matter

The Missing Mass: History Repeats Itself

The Missing Mass: History Repeats Itself
Scientists inventing invisible stuff to save their theories is the ULTIMATE cosmic cover-up! 🔍 On the left, 19th century astronomers noticed Mercury's orbit was wonky, so rather than question Newton's gravity, they invented a phantom planet called "Vulcan" hiding between Mercury and the Sun. Spoiler alert: it didn't exist! Fast forward to today, and we're doing the SAME THING with dark matter! "Hmm, galaxies spin too fast for our calculations... quick, invent invisible mass that we can't detect directly!" The parallel is deliciously ironic - we'd rather conjure invisible matter than admit our physics heroes might need some tweaking. Science: where we make up stuff to avoid admitting we're wrong! *maniacal scientist laugh*

The Missing Mass Meeting Meltdown

The Missing Mass Meeting Meltdown
The eternal cosmic mystery meeting: someone points out we can't account for most of the universe's mass, and three physicists immediately propose wildly different solutions. One suggests "just call it dark matter" (the scientific equivalent of labeling a folder "misc stuff" and shoving it in a drawer). Another jumps to multiverse theory faster than you can say "grant proposal." The third suggests maybe—just maybe—we should check our math first. The boss's reaction is every PI who's watched their theoretical physics meeting devolve into existential screaming. That window-throwing energy is what happens after the 47th time someone says "but what if spacetime is actually..."