Youtube Memes

Posts tagged with Youtube

I Swear I'm Innocent

I Swear I'm Innocent
Started with a casual YouTube video about jet engines, ended up in a propulsion engineering rabbit hole so deep that Google now flags my comments as national security threats. The progression from "hmm, interesting" to "can recite scramjet combustion chamber specifications at 3 AM" is the engineering equivalent of saying you'll have just one potato chip. The only difference is that potato chips don't get you on watchlists.

Daddy Physics: The YouTube Edition

Daddy Physics: The YouTube Edition
Physics YouTubers are the new rockstars for nerds who'd rather calculate the trajectory of groupies than actually talk to them. This grad student is out here solving nuclear physics while the rest of us can't even solve our relationship problems. Notice how his videos include "Finally Writing The Paper" and "I've Been Stuck On This Problem For..." โ€“ the universal academic cry for help disguised as content. Theoretical physics: where you spend years deriving equations just to get 25K views and your mom asking when you'll get a real job.

Crash Course: The Only Biology We Know

Crash Course: The Only Biology We Know
The entire generation of biology students who learned from Crash Course videos instead of opening their textbooks is feeling personally attacked right now. Nothing quite says "modern education" like frantically cramming an entire semester's worth of cellular respiration from a YouTube video at 2AM before the exam. Who needs actual lab experience when you've got a guy in a blazer explaining mitosis with stick figures? I've watched students cite Hank Green in their dissertations with more reverence than Darwin himself. Welcome to the 21st century, where we've replaced dissections with demonetized content.