Time Memes

Posts tagged with Time

Explaining Physical Constants Be Like

Explaining Physical Constants Be Like
This is EXACTLY how physicists defend arbitrary constants! "Why is Planck's constant 6.626×10 -34 J⋅s?" *adjusts lab goggles nervously* "Well, technically ANY number would be equally arbitrary, so why NOT that specific value? The universe just picked a number and ran with it!" Meanwhile the rest of us are staring at our equations wondering if the cosmos is just trolling us with these absurdly precise values. The fundamental forces of nature are basically that friend who insists on meeting at precisely 4:23 for absolutely no logical reason whatsoever.

Clocks If We Had Six Fingers On Each Hand

Clocks If We Had Six Fingers On Each Hand
Behold the duodecimal time system we'd be using if evolution had gone just a bit differently! Instead of boring old base-10, we'd have this mathematical monstrosity with Greek letters thrown in for extra confusion. The ξ (xi) and χ (chi) are particularly delightful touches - because nothing says "I'm running late" quite like having to pronounce ancient Greek symbols. Next time someone asks you the time, just respond with "It's half past xi" and watch their existential crisis unfold in real-time.

When Your Bot Doesn't Understand Exponents

When Your Bot Doesn't Understand Exponents
Someone set a reminder for 10^1000 years, and the bot casually responded with "I will be messaging you in 1000 years." Classic case of computational optimism! 10^1000 is a number so incomprehensibly large it makes the age of the universe look like a weekend trip. For reference, the universe is only about 10^10 years old. The heat death of the universe will happen long before this reminder pings, but hey, at least the bot reduced spam! The bot's confidence that it'll still be operational in year 3025 is the digital equivalent of "I'll just five more minutes" when you're actually going to sleep through your entire exam.