Speed of light Memes

Posts tagged with Speed of light

Space-Time Police, Hands In The Air!

Space-Time Police, Hands In The Air!
Einstein would be PROUD of this speeding ticket defense! When the driver says "speed is relative," they're invoking Einstein's theory of relativity where measurements like speed depend on the observer's frame of reference. From the driver's perspective, they were perfectly stationary while the world zoomed past them! The cop's radar gun is merely measuring relative motion between two reference frames! *adjusts wild scientist hair* Of course, this brilliant physics defense probably won't hold up in traffic court... unless the judge happens to be a quantum physicist moonlighting in the judicial system. The universal speed limit is still 299,792,458 m/s (speed of light), so technically they weren't even CLOSE to breaking the cosmic law!

Check Your Dimensions People!

Check Your Dimensions People!
Physics professors everywhere are having palpitations right now. The clown labeled "the side of a triangle which I named 'c'" is trying to hide behind soldiers labeled "the speed of light." This is a glorious dimensional disaster! In physics, 'c' represents the speed of light (299,792,458 meters per second), while in geometry, 'c' often labels a triangle side. Using the same symbol for completely different quantities with incompatible dimensions is the mathematical equivalent of putting pineapple on pizza โ€“ technically possible but deeply unsettling to purists. This is why physicists wake up screaming at 2 AM thinking about undergrads turning in homework where distance equals velocity.