Rick and morty Memes

Posts tagged with Rick and morty

Imaginary Roots Be Like

Imaginary Roots Be Like
The equation says it exists, but Morty's face says otherwise! This is the perfect representation of every math student's reaction when they first encounter the concept of imaginary numbers. The equation x² + 1 = 0 has solutions x = ±i, which are imaginary numbers that exist mathematically but can't be plotted on a regular number line. They're like mathematical ghosts – theoretically there but impossible to grasp in the real world. No wonder Morty looks like he's having an existential crisis! "You're telling me the square root of -1 just... exists? But WHERE?!"

The Natural Solution Was Right There

The Natural Solution Was Right There
EUREKA! The natural logarithm (ln) was hiding in plain sight all along! Those crafty mathematicians were complaining about needing a simpler way to write Log e when the answer was staring them right in the face. It's like discovering your glasses were on your head the whole time you were searching for them! The moment of mathematical enlightenment hits like a ton of bricks—or should I say, like an apple falling on Newton's head? This is the kind of revelation that makes you want to run naked through the streets shouting "I FOUND IT!" (Please don't actually do this, the math community has enough eccentrics already.)

Magnesium's Existential Alloy Crisis

Magnesium's Existential Alloy Crisis
Existential crisis, meet periodic table. This poor magnesium robot is having the elemental equivalent of "why am I here?" only to discover its destiny is to be melted down and mixed with aluminum to make your MacBook lighter. The robot's dramatic "OH MY GOD" reaction is priceless—like finding out your entire purpose in the universe is to be the sidekick in someone else's story. Magnesium doesn't even get to be the star of its own alloy! That's the periodic table for you—31 years of education just to end up as the chemical equivalent of "and guest" on the invitation.

The Physics Circle Of Self-Congratulation

The Physics Circle Of Self-Congratulation
The eternal physics vs. engineering rivalry in its natural habitat! These physicists are literally forming a circle jerk to congratulate themselves on their theoretical superiority while wearing shirts with their own faces on them. Talk about academic narcissism at its finest! Meanwhile, engineers are out there making things that actually work instead of debating whether cats in boxes are simultaneously alive and dead. The academic hierarchy is a flat circle... much like the Earth according to some YouTube "researchers" these physicists probably argue with on weekends.

For Those Who Were Wondering

For Those Who Were Wondering
The mathematical punchline here is absolutely brilliant! When you write Log e (Log e ), you're essentially saying "the natural logarithm of the natural logarithm" - but the character is saying "I'm in" which is exactly what happens mathematically when you solve this expression! The natural log (ln) of itself simplifies to 1, making this a perfect mathematical pun. It's like the mathematician's version of "dad jokes" but requires calculus knowledge to appreciate. Pure genius for anyone who's ever struggled through a logarithm problem set!