Obvious Memes

Posts tagged with Obvious

The Profound Art Of Making Simple Math Look Complicated

The Profound Art Of Making Simple Math Look Complicated
The mathematical equivalent of "tell me you failed elementary school without telling me you failed elementary school." This equation confidently states that 1+1=2 but with extra steps, dressing it up as 2 0 + 2 0 = 2 1 and slapping a "Q.E.D." at the end like it just proved Fermat's Last Theorem. For those who skipped Math 101: any number raised to power zero equals 1, so this is literally just 1+1=2 wearing a tweed jacket and pretending to be profound. The "Day 4" suggests this mathematical "genius" has been sharing these groundbreaking discoveries daily, presumably building toward a Fields Medal nomination that will never come.

Educational Textbooks: Where The Obvious Becomes Profound

Educational Textbooks: Where The Obvious Becomes Profound
The eternal struggle of science textbooks: stating the blindingly obvious with the gravitas of revealing the secrets of the universe. Nothing quite like spending $200 on a book that dramatically declares "water is wet" as if Newton himself just whispered it from beyond the grave. Graduate students have been known to develop a twitch from repeatedly reading phrases like "it is trivially shown that..." right before three pages of incomprehensible equations. The author probably giggled while writing this, knowing full well we'd be sobbing at 3 AM trying to understand why something so "obvious" requires sixteen references and a PhD to comprehend.