Laboratory Memes

Posts tagged with Laboratory

My Ex Changes Colour Faster Than This

My Ex Changes Colour Faster Than This
Someone's ex is getting compared to phenolphthalein, the ultimate mood-swing molecule of chemistry! This compound is famous as a pH indicator that dramatically shifts from colorless in acidic solutions to bright pink/purple in basic ones. The joke works on two perfect levels: First, the chemical actually does change color faster than you can blink during a titration. Second, it's drawing that classic parallel to dating someone whose emotional state flips just as rapidly and unpredictably. Next time your chemistry professor demonstrates a titration, just whisper "reminds me of my dating history" and watch them either laugh or back away slowly.

The Ultimate Lab Weapon Upgrade

The Ultimate Lab Weapon Upgrade
Behold the lab ninja's ultimate weapon! Instead of boring old water, this mad scientist is wielding HYDROCHLORIC ACID in their squirt gun! The chemical chaos upgrade we never knew we needed! That's one way to ensure your lab enemies dissolve into submission. Safety goggles? Pfft, where's the fun in that? Just remember kids, in real labs we keep our HCl in proper containers and NOT in super soakers... unless you want to be remembered as "that scientist with the melted lab coat and questionable life choices." 🧪💦

It's All Culture? Always Has Been

It's All Culture? Always Has Been
The existential crisis of microbiology in one perfect shot! That moment when you realize the universe you've been studying is just bacterial colonies in a petri dish. Microbiologists spend years isolating and growing these little civilizations, only to have some astronaut point a gun and ask the forbidden question. Guess the search for extraterrestrial life ended at the lab bench. Next time someone asks about alien intelligence, just hand them an agar plate and whisper "they've been here all along."

The 26-Year-Old Coloomner

The 26-Year-Old Coloomner
Behold the mythical creature of analytical chemistry labs everywhere! Column chromatography—the technique where you separate compounds by letting them travel through a stationary phase at different speeds—has created its own subspecies of scientist: the obsessed "Coloomner." What we're witnessing is the lab equivalent of a gym bro, but instead of protein shakes, it's chloroform fumes. That right arm isn't from lifting weights—it's from cranking that column stopcock for hours on end, collecting fraction after fraction while muttering "just one more pure compound" under their breath. The truly magnificent part? Despite purifying 1000+ compounds, our hero has no idea what they actually are. Who needs structural analysis when you can just admire those beautiful colored bands separating down your silica gel column? Recrystallization? That's for chemists who actually want to finish their PhD this decade.