Iq Memes

Posts tagged with Iq

Base 1 Guys

Base 1 Guys
The equation "123 + 456 = 123456" is hilariously wrong in our decimal system, but it's actually correct if you're operating in base 1 (unary numeral system)! In base 1, numbers are represented by sequences of a single symbol - so "123" actually means "111" (or just 3 in decimal), and "456" means "111111" (or 6 in decimal). When you concatenate them, you get "111111111" (or 9 in decimal). It's like counting on your fingers but refusing to use more than one finger at a time. The bell curve shows the perfect distribution of people who get the joke - those who immediately reject it as wrong (left), those who understand the base 1 cleverness (right), and the blissfully confused majority in the middle who somehow think string concatenation is valid arithmetic. Mathematical humor at its nerdiest!

The Topology Of Sock Intelligence

The Topology Of Sock Intelligence
Behold! A perfect representation of the intelligence bell curve in action! The 100 IQ normies in the middle stating the obvious definition (34%), while both the low IQ simpletons (0.1%) and high IQ intellectuals (0.1%) arrive at the same conclusion through completely different reasoning paths! It's the horseshoe theory of sock topology! The true galaxy brains understand that socks are topologically continuous surfaces without holes—unless you tear them, of course. Just like how mathematicians define a coffee mug and a donut as topologically equivalent! *adjusts imaginary lab goggles* The universe's greatest mysteries aren't in black holes but in our sock drawers!