Chemical structure Memes

Posts tagged with Chemical structure

The Molecular Misadventures Of Margarine

The Molecular Misadventures Of Margarine
The chemical misinformation here is so bad it would make Marie Curie roll in her radioactive grave! Margarine is a complex mixture of vegetable oils, water, salt, emulsifiers, and sometimes milk solids—definitely not "one molecule away from plastic." That's like saying humans are one chromosome away from being bananas. Actually, wait... that might explain some people I know. This classic chemophobia trope completely ignores how molecular structure determines properties. Hydrogen peroxide (H₂O₂) is "one oxygen atom away" from water (H₂O), but I wouldn't recommend gargling with the former unless you're trying to bleach your esophagus. The "shares 27 ingredients with paint" claim is equally ridiculous. Water is in both paint and margarine—guess we should stop drinking water too! Next they'll tell us oxygen is in both air and nuclear explosions, so maybe we should stop breathing.

The Literal PhD In Organic Chemistry

The Literal PhD In Organic Chemistry
Behold the ultimate chemistry dad joke! The meme shows someone bragging about having a PhD in organic chemistry, but then "The PhD" is literally just a benzene ring with a deuterium atom (D) attached to it. It's a brilliant chemical pun because "Ph" is the symbol for a phenyl group (a benzene ring) and "D" is deuterium - so "PhD" is literally "Ph-D" - a deuterated benzene molecule! Four years of grad school reduced to a single chemical structure. Chemists everywhere are simultaneously groaning and sending this to their research groups right now!

You Had One Job, Chemistry Nomenclature Committee

You Had One Job, Chemistry Nomenclature Committee
Chemistry's ultimate betrayal: theobromine, the compound in chocolate that makes dogs sick, is structurally almost identical to bromine... except it contains zero bromine atoms. Naming committee had one job. Just one. Somewhere, a first-year chem student is failing their exam because of this nomenclature prank while their professor silently chuckles into their coffee mug.

The Hydroxyl Group: Blame It All On Alcoholism

The Hydroxyl Group: Blame It All On Alcoholism
The chemistry nerd's guide to blaming everything on the hydroxyl group! 🧪 No matter what molecule you're looking at - ethanol, glucose, fatty acids, or even THC - if it's got that -OH group circled in red, clearly it's responsible for alcoholism! The progression of facial expressions from concerned to excited to absolutely mind-blown is basically every chemist at a party trying to explain why everything is technically alcohol. The punchline? Chemistry doesn't care about your excuses - if there's a hydroxyl group, you're just one functional group away from blaming your problems on alcoholism!