Cern Memes

Posts tagged with Cern

Have You Ever Tried Putting Bacon In Here?

Have You Ever Tried Putting Bacon In Here?
The ultimate collision between scientific professionalism and culinary curiosity! Suggesting bacon in what's clearly a particle accelerator or high-energy physics facility is peak scientific sacrilege. Imagine the chaos—protons and neutrons getting all greasy while the vacuum chambers fill with delicious smoky aroma. The facility director would have an absolute meltdown faster than uranium-235! That's one experiment that would definitely bring home the bacon... and possibly create an interdimensional portal to a universe made entirely of breakfast foods.

Particle Romance At CERN

Particle Romance At CERN
Ever wonder what happens when two particles collide at CERN? Apparently, they turn into adorable doge toys being supervised by a giant Shiba Inu! 🐕 The Large Hadron Collider at CERN smashes particles together at near-light speeds, but I doubt their scientists expected the results to be this cute. Those tiny doge particles are about to kiss under the watchful eyes of their particle accelerator overlord. Next breakthrough physics paper: "Quantum Borknamics: How Subatomic Particles Display Canine Properties When Nobody's Looking." Nobel Prize committee, are you taking notes?

Particle Collision: Shiba Edition

Particle Collision: Shiba Edition
The ultimate particle physics playdate! A giant Shiba Inu (labeled "CERN") is about to boop two tiny Shiba figurines (labeled "PARTICLE" and "PARTICLE"). This is basically what happens at the Large Hadron Collider—except instead of an adorable nose boop, particles smash together at near light speed with catastrophic energy. Who knew high-energy physics could be this cute? Scientists spend billions on particle accelerators when they could've just hired this good boy to make the Higgs boson all along!

Top Comment Changes The Standard Model

Top Comment Changes The Standard Model
Physics nerds are at it again, turning particle physics into a Reddit thread! The Standard Model—that beautiful chart organizing all known fundamental particles—is apparently getting a democratic upgrade. "Top comment changes the Standard Model" is basically particle physics by popular vote. Next thing you know, we'll have a new quark called "Quarky McQuarkface" with a mass of "69 nice" GeV/c². Imagine CERN physicists sweating nervously as the internet decides the fundamental nature of reality. "Wait, did someone just vote to make electrons taste like blueberries? That's not even a quantum property!"

Infinite Particle Nesting Dolls

Infinite Particle Nesting Dolls
Ever had that 3 AM existential crisis about particle physics? This tweet perfectly captures the mind-bending possibility that subatomic particles might be like cosmic Russian nesting dolls—infinitely divisible with no fundamental bottom layer! CERN's particle accelerator smashes atoms to find their building blocks, but what if there's no final "smallest thing"? It's turtles all the way down, but microscopic! The universe might just be trolling physicists with an endless fractal of particles, making graduate students cry into their coffee for eternity. Next time someone says they've found the fundamental particle, just whisper "...or have you?" and walk away dramatically.

Particle Physics For Dummies

Particle Physics For Dummies
The pinnacle of physics dad jokes right here! Someone literally slapped the CERN logo on a person's face and labeled an award trophy as "Particle Particle" and "Large Hadron Collider." It's the physics equivalent of saying "I'm not a doctor, but I play one on TV." The meme brilliantly reduces the world's largest and most complex scientific instrument—a 27km underground ring accelerating particles to near light speed—to just... two objects bonking together. Nobel Prize for minimalism!