Why Would Someone Avoid All That Tasty Fluoride!

Why Would Someone Avoid All That Tasty Fluoride!
chemistry-memes, lab-safety-memes, hydrofluoric-acid-memes, dangerous-chemicals-memes, ppe-memes | ScienceHumor.io

Holy chemical contrast, Batman! 🧪

On the left: A scientist handling hydrofluoric acid (HF) with more protective gear than a space mission. And for good reason! This stuff doesn't just burn you - it silently penetrates skin and dissolves your bones from the inside. By the time you feel pain, calcium in your bones is already forming a deadly party with fluoride ions!

On the right: Someone casually pouring what appears to be concentrated HF into a drain cleaner bottle while wearing flip-flops! This is basically the chemical equivalent of using a nuclear reactor to heat your swimming pool!

Chemistry safety instructors probably get night terrors from images like this. Remember folks, proper lab safety isn't just nerdy overkill - it's what keeps your skeleton inside your body where it belongs!

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