When Deadly Elements Make Delicious Results

When Deadly Elements Make Delicious Results
chemistry-memes, chemical-reactions-memes, sodium-chloride-memes, table-salt-memes, hulk-memes | ScienceHumor.io

Oh the beautiful irony of chemistry! 😂 Two dangerous elements - hydrogen (explosive) and chlorine (deadly gas) - combine to form... table salt! The Hulk is absolutely RAGING about these deadly chemicals, but Shrek is just chilling with his HCl turned NaCl, ready to sprinkle it on some swamp food.

It's like chemistry's greatest prank - take two things that could kill you and combine them to make the thing you put on your french fries! Talk about a glow-up from "explodes on contact with fire" and "poisonous gas" to "food preservative and flavoring agent." Chemistry doesn't just change compounds; it completely transforms their personality!

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