Radioactive Refrigerator Decor

Radioactive Refrigerator Decor
chemistry-memes, periodic-table-memes, uranium-memes, plutonium-memes, nihonium-memes |

The most radioactive kitchen decor award goes to... these "totally harmless" periodic table magnets! Two real elements (Uranium and Plutonium) plus the fictional "Nihonium" with Japan's flag. Notice how they all have radiation symbols? That's because nothing says "I store leftovers here" like decorating with elements that could theoretically give your milk a half-life. The creator clearly missed the memo that Nihonium (element 113) is actually real now—named after Japan in 2016—but isn't the Japanese flag. Chemistry nerds will appreciate this blend of actual science and "wait, that's not right" in one decorative package. Perfect for the scientist who wants guests to think twice before opening your fridge!

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