When Your Molecular Biology Nightmares Come True

When Your Molecular Biology Nightmares Come True
microbiology-memes, bacteriophage-memes, rna-memes, lysogeny-memes, virology-memes | ScienceHumor.io

Oh sweet microbiological mayhem! This meme captures that moment when you innocently claim "Poop RNA can't hurt you" only to have it show up in a bacteriophage lysogeny pathway diagram, ready to wreak havoc! The "Poop RNA" (actually a scientific term for a regulatory RNA in bacteriophage lambda) controls whether viruses go full zombie-mode on bacteria by triggering the lytic cycle. It's like telling someone not to worry about the tiny domino that ends up causing the whole viral apocalypse! Your bacterial friends are doomed because you underestimated a molecule with a funny name. Next time maybe don't tempt fate with molecular biology, hmm?

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