Molecular interactions Memes

Posts tagged with Molecular interactions

I Felt Sorry For Oil

I Felt Sorry For Oil
Poor oil droplet, forever doomed to be the outcast at water's party! This chemical comedy perfectly captures the principle of "like dissolves like" - water molecules are polar (think clingy besties who share everything), while oil is non-polar (the loner who keeps to itself). When water calls oil "hydrophobe," it's not just name-calling - it's literally science-speak for "water-fearing." The oil isn't being rude; it's physically incapable of mixing due to its molecular structure. Next time you see that rainbow sheen on a puddle, remember it's just oil practicing its socially-distant lifestyle!

When 50 Plus 50 Equals 96

When 50 Plus 50 Equals 96
The eternal struggle of chemistry students everywhere! When you mix 50mL of ethanol with 50mL of water, you'd think you'd get 100mL of solution because... math. But nope! Thanks to molecular interactions between ethanol and water molecules, the total volume contracts to around 96mL. This phenomenon is called "volume contraction" and happens because the smaller water molecules can nestle into spaces between the ethanol molecules. It's like trying to fit both basketball players and jockeys into an elevator - they pack more efficiently together than separately! The confused bird's double "WHAT?" perfectly captures every first-year chem student's brain short-circuiting when they measure their final solution and think they've somehow spilled 4mL. Trust me, no one escapes the existential crisis of "where did my volume go?!"