Squirrels: Evolution's Ultimate Uno Reverse Card

Squirrels: Evolution's Ultimate Uno Reverse Card
evolution-memes, squirrels-memes, rattlesnakes-memes, predator-memes, prey-memes | ScienceHumor.io

Squirrels are nature's little badasses! While most animals would ask for evolutionary protection from predators, squirrels took a completely different approach. Instead of developing venom resistance, they evolved to become lightning-fast snake hunters! California ground squirrels actually have heat-sensing tails that detect rattlesnake body heat, and they've developed immunity to small doses of venom. They'll even chew on shed snake skin and lick it onto their fur as chemical camouflage! Talk about not just surviving but DOMINATING your predator. Evolution didn't just give them a shield - it gave them a sword!

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