Can You F*cking Stop So We Can Study You?

Can You F*cking Stop So We Can Study You?
oganesson-memes, element118-memes, chemistry-memes, periodic-table-memes, radioactive-memes |

Oganesson (element 118) is having an existential crisis, and honestly, who can blame it? This superheavy element only exists for less than a millisecond before radioactively decaying. Scientists literally create it in a lab, and before the poor thing can even figure out its place in the periodic table—poof, it's gone! It's basically the mayfly of chemistry, except instead of living for 24 hours, it gets about 0.0000001 seconds to contemplate its noble gas classification. Imagine being so unstable that researchers have only made about 5 atoms of you... EVER. No wonder it's confused about its identity—it barely has time to introduce itself to the neighboring elements before disintegrating!

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