Minecraft Genetics: Where Blocky Sheep Teach Heredity

Minecraft Genetics: Where Blocky Sheep Teach Heredity
genetics-memes, biology-memes, inheritance-memes, dominance-memes, alleles-memes | ScienceHumor.io

Minecraft genetics is apparently more reliable than Mendel's pea plants! When a dominant black sheep meets a recessive white sheep, you get... exactly what genetics predicts! The top shows complete dominance (black wins entirely), the middle shows incomplete dominance (hello gray sheep), and the bottom reveals codominance where both traits visibly express themselves in a patchwork pattern. Who knew pixelated farm animals could teach us more about allele expression than an entire semester of biology? Next time someone asks you to explain genetic inheritance, just fire up Minecraft and start breeding digital livestock. Science has never been so blocky!

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